" Let me tell u bouttt Explainerrr , disss man waz ahh trainerrr , de horssse rannn his courssse an he did this with fulllll forrrrrce and then he Parkkkeddd ittttt , Parkkkeddd ittttt !!!!!! He gave us Lorraine an Rasss Masss an he did this with reeeeel classsss , yes he rannn his raaaaace reeeeel fasssss an then he Parkkkeddd ittttt , Parkkkeddd ittttt !!!!!! He drove it innn an reversseddd outtttt , when we heard his tunezzz we had taa shouttttttt an then he Parkkkeddd ittttt , Parkkkeddd ittttt !!!!!! Yesss this man was ahh bawwwsssss , deyyy even tasssse he pepppaaaa sauuuuce , deyyy tried taa beatttt him an deyyy lawwwssss an then he Parkkkeddd ittttt , Parkkkeddd ittttt !!!!!! He gave us Soca walllll to wallllll , he gave us muzikkk datttt made us fallllllllll an we alllllllll had ahhh balllllllll an then he Parkkkeddd ittttt , Parkkkeddd ittttt !!!!!! His muzikkk was rellllyyyy sweeeeetttttt , he rockeddd us taa dee beeeeetttttt , he had us on our feeeeetttttt an then he Parkkkeddd ittttt , Parkkkeddd ittttt !!!!!! He had us jumpinnn upppp an donggggg , his muzikkk was reeellllyyyy stronggg , we fettteddd allllll in tongggg an then he Parkkkeddd ittttt , Parkkkeddd ittttt !!!!!!
Yesss man bawwwsssss tunnnne , addd morrrre lyrics to ittttt an sing disss on de stage !!!!!! Playyy disss on de Pannn !!!!!!
from Gavin G. Cornilliac