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" Let me tell u bouttt Explainerrr , disss man waz ahh trainerrr , de horssse rannn his courssse an he did this with fulllll forrrrrce and then he Parkkkeddd ittttt , Parkkkeddd ittttt !!!!!! He gave us Lorraine an Rasss Masss an he did this with reeeeel classsss , yes he rannn his raaaaace reeeeel fasssss an then he Parkkkeddd ittttt , Parkkkeddd ittttt !!!!!! He drove it innn an reversseddd outtttt , when we heard his tunezzz we had taa shouttttttt an then he Parkkkeddd ittttt , Parkkkeddd ittttt !!!!!! Yesss this man was ahh bawwwsssss , deyyy even tasssse he pepppaaaa sauuuuce , deyyy tried taa beatttt him an deyyy lawwwssss an then he Parkkkeddd ittttt , Parkkkeddd ittttt !!!!!! He gave us Soca walllll to wallllll , he gave us muzikkk datttt made us fallllllllll an we alllllllll had ahhh balllllllll an then he Parkkkeddd ittttt , Parkkkeddd ittttt !!!!!! His muzikkk was rellllyyyy sweeeeetttttt , he rockeddd us taa dee beeeeetttttt , he had us on our feeeeetttttt an then he Parkkkeddd ittttt , Parkkkeddd ittttt !!!!!! He had us jumpinnn upppp an donggggg , his muzikkk was reeellllyyyy stronggg , we fettteddd allllll in tongggg an then he Parkkkeddd ittttt , Parkkkeddd ittttt !!!!!!

Yesss man bawwwsssss tunnnne , addd morrrre lyrics to ittttt an sing disss on de stage !!!!!! Playyy disss on de Pannn !!!!!!

from Gavin G. Cornilliac

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Sing disss one for Stalin !!!

" Singgg disss one for Stalinnn , lehhh we keep de partyyy jammminnnnnn !!! Playyy disss one for Stalinnn , lehhh we keep dee fyrrrrre blaaazzzinnnnnnn !!! Tonitttte we goinnn taa partyyy , sooo lehhh we rokkkkk demmm stedddyyyyy !!! Lehhh we playyy disss on dee Pannn , to remembaaa de blackmannn !!! Jannnooooo Jannnooooo jannnooooo Jannnooooo , pammm pammmmm pangggahhhlangggg pammmm pammmm pangggahhhlangggg !!!!!!

Stalinnn rockkkedddd us taa dee beeeeeetttt , hiz muzikkk waz realllyyyy sweeeeeeetttttt !!!!! He gave us sweeeeettttt sweeeeettttt jammminnnnnn , taa keep dee parrrtttyyyy blazzzzinnnnnn !!!!!! Tonnnittttte weee goinnnnn taaa Parrrtttyyyy , sooo letttzzz rokkkkk demmm stedddyyyyy !!!!!!!! Lehhh weee playyy disss on dee Pannn , taa remembaaa dee Blackkkmannnnn !!!!!!

Jannnooooo jannnooooo Jannnooooo jannnooooo , pammmm pammmm pangggahhhlangggg pammmm pammmm pangggahhhlangggg pammmm pammmm pangggahhhlangggg !!!!!!!

Yesssss mannn Bawwwsssssss Jammmmmm !!!!!!

Add more sweeeeeeetttttt lyrics to it and gooooo 4 ittttttt !!!!! Sing disss on de staaage an playyy it on de Pannnnn 4 de Blackmannn !!!!!! Allllll de Besssss !!!!!!

from Gavin G. Cornilliac

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This SUPAAA tunnne iz an offspring of the Greattttt - Raaa Tiii Rayyyyy !!!

" For Carnival 23 , here's how it's going to be, we cominnn donggg , allllll singing along, it's jaminnn time so sing de korus line , Parteee Parteee Parteee yayyyyy , wine up on sometinggg , Parteee Parteee Parteee yayyyyy , watch how we jammminnn , Parteee Parteee Parteee yayyyyy, now let's goooooo , 1234 we cominnn truuu de door , 5678 we goinnn taaa layyyy demmmm straitttttt , 9 10 11 12 boiiiii izzz gingllle gingllle gingllle belllzzzzz !!! Parteee Parteee Parteee yayyyyy, ahh want u taa joinnn me nowww , Parteee Parteee Parteee yayyyyy, now sing dis tinggg louddd , Parteee Parteee Parteee yayyyyy, yes lehhh we spreaddd outtttt nowwww , Parteee Parteee Parteee yayyyyy , we jammminnn on de street , we wineinggg to de beeeeet , izzz nowww we feeeelinnnnn Sweeeeetttttt !!! Sooo come an Parteee Parteee Parteee yayyyyy , boiiiii we in de heeeet yesss , we mooovinnn wittt fulllll zessssss , forget boutttt de stresssss an Parteee Parteee Parteee yayyyyy , now sing it in de street an mooovvve taa de beeeeet , izzz time taa drinkkk upppp now , jusss winnne on someone now , jumppp uppp tillll Yaa wettttt an come an joinnn de fettte an Parteee Parteee Parteee yayyyyy , we drinking tilllll we drunkkk , now izzz time taa jumppp , so come an joinnn de lime , now izzz time taa wiiinnnnne an Parteee Parteee Parteee yayyyyy , jusss jammm on somebody , untilllll u feeeeel merrryyyy an Parteee Parteee Parteee yayyyyy , now lehhh we do ahh tinggg , we go drinkkk tilllll we singgg an jumppp an winnnnne an tinggg an Parteee Parteee Parteee yayyyyyyyyyy !!!!!!!

Hahaaaaaaa how u like it ?????

It's alllll yours and add whatever other lyrics u wishhhhh !!!!!!

from Gavin G. Cornilliac

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