ONLINE.ME is an open source social community with a fundamental commitment to integrity, honesty and transparency.
ONLINE.ME holds one key principle guiding every decision - it is a network for people. This means that we shall only enable features that benefit end-users, make the experience better for the members and improve overall satisfaction with the service.
ONLINE.ME supports the interests of the users as first priority. This community is built on an open source platform, and the publishers are passionate about maintaining the privacy of your personal information keeping our motives open and transparent.
ONLINE.ME supports and open and free internet, where individuals retain full ownership of their digital identity and content. We honour all the commitments of the
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and we absolutely commit to not utilising or on-selling your personal data in any way. We maintain a commitment to keeping theONLINE.ME platform free from advertising and unsolicited communications.
ONLINE.ME is built on the Lucid Template based for the Open Source UNA Platform, the most recent evolution of BOONEX DOLPHIN - an open source social community project powering the development of online communities since 1999. It has been built by the UNA Team as a demonstration solution for UNA capabilities and a symbol of our commitment to the free web.
A social network value is entirely dependent on members and the content they create. We do not own the content or the members - ONLINE.ME belongs to everyone who contributes to it and our goal is to keep users in control.
The ONLINE.ME community maintains a strong commitment to social tolerance and compassion. Harassment and vilification based on colour, creed, identity or association will not be tolerated in any way.
This is an inspiring and safe place where social humans can connect and collaborate. So sign up, meet some new people, discuss your ideas, share your stories, get involved.
The Internet is what YOU make it. Make it good.